Tag Archives: thedoctorwhoproject

United in War- (2/2) (Final time!)

United in War- (2/2)


By Ian Cai Mercer

Featuring- The First Doctor Ian, Barbara and Susan. Set in between Planet of Giants and The Dalek Invasion of Earth.

There are many things I could say about this story, how long it took and the tweaks/redrafts, expanding scenes, fleshing out the characters and species. I realised early on the Doctor and Susan had most of the dialogue/action, so had to really flesh out Ian and Barbara’s journey.
This was a challenge but also led to developing the delegates as well.

The Sculptor group is a nearby collection of galaxies, though a more recent change has seen some absorbed into the Local Group. The Atlas of the Universe I’ve mentioned several times as a great source of inspiration, though it looks like the website hasn’t been updated for a while.

So on the video I go through my history with TDWP, how I started a story in 2012, but dropped out and been pitching a few ideas. I did do some reviews, but never got used, though my review of City of Death went into Whotopia in 2013 (see publications page)

So, hopefully that is my final post on this story. 11 mentions since the start of June! Next one up is Inquisition, a 5th Doctor tale. Better get my skates on with finishing that one over the summer.

Brief Encounters page- (BE46)

News release-


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United in War (Part 1 0f 2)





Written by: Ian Cai Mercer This story features the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Susan The Doctor, Susan, Ian, and Barbara arrive at a critical moment in galactic history, the Third Intergalactic Peace Conference. Four mighty empires are in conflict over a disputed region of space. Is their host, Korlek, a friend or a foe? How does he know so much about the Doctor? And will peace be disrupted due to a troublesome mind probe?

Featuring- The First Doctor Ian, Barbara and Susan. Set in between Planet of Giants and The Dalek Invasion of Earth.

This was known for a long time as Attack of the Medusoids. It has changed a lot since then.  Originally intended to be about two thousand words, grew to over six thousand words. I’ll make a video for tomorrow, which’ll mean putting off series 9 part 1 for a week.

Anyway, good story, I’ll do an explanation of the setting/empires etc tomorrow, but for now here it is- UNITED IN WAR!

Brief Encounters page- (BE46)

News release-


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United in War- the cover!

So, here it is. The scene is the lounge aboard the Midnight Runner, with the Doctor Ian and Barbara. Susan and Marchor aren’t featured. The picture in the background is the Sculptor galaxy, or at least it’s supposed to be. It looks to me like the Milky way, but in the story it’s NGC 253/Sculptor, which I’ve labelled as Acteon

So what happens? Well, the entire premise of the story is based on the tall tale the Third Doctor tells Jo in Frontier in Space-

DOCTOR: Did I ever tell you the story about how I was once captured by the Medusoids?

 JO: What are they?

 DOCTOR: Medusoids? How can I describe them to you? Well, they’re a sort of hairy jellyfish with claws, teeth and a leg.

 JO: Erk!

 DOCTOR: Anyway, they put me under one of these mind probes things, you see, and tried to get me to tell them where I was going. So, I said I was on my way to meet a giant rabbit, a pink elephant and a purple horse with yellow spots.

 JO: What happened?

 DOCTOR: Well, the poor old machine just couldn’t believe it, had a nervous breakdown.

 JO: And then what happened?

 DOCTOR: Well, they put me under another one of these mind probe things and the same thing happened.

 JO: But you weren’t telling the truth. I mean, you weren’t really going to meet a giant rabbit, a pink elephant and a, what was it?

 DOCTOR: A purple horse with yellow spots. Yes, I was. You see, they were all delegates for the third Intergalactic Peace Conference.

 JO: How did you get away from these things?

 DOCTOR: Well they had to turn me loose eventually.

 JO: Why?

 DOCTOR: They ran out of mind probes.

Third Doctor and Jo Grant- Frontier in Space

I mean, it sounds like a joke, but what actually happened? Tune in at the weekend to find out!

Special thanks to Bob and the The Doctor Who Project team!


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United in War- This weekend!

At last, after dropping out of the 39th season back in 2012, finally get to see a story on The Doctor Who Project’s website!

Get ready for an Attack of the Medusoids!


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The Doctor and Clara continue their adventures

Kill the Moon- spiders on the moon and it turns out to be, well that be a spoiler now wouldn’t it?

Mummy on the Orient Express-It’s Agatha Christie- on a spaceship.

Flatline- Invasion of the 2D monsters!

In the Forest of the Night- London gets taken over by a forest- Nature will find a way!

Dark Water /Death in Heaven- Missy is in league with the Cybermen in a diabolical plot and Danny gets to be a General.

Good stuff.

Plus I’ve loaded a picture of the cover to my upcoming TDWP Brief Encounter story UNITED IN WAR. Just a preview!


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25 years of The Doctor Who Project!


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The Good Man debuts, so take a Deep breath and let’s go see a Tyrannosaurus Rex in the Thames!
The Paternoster gang- Madame Vashtra, Jenny and Strax all join the New Doctor- Peter Capaldi as the 14th Incarnation/1st in New Regeneration cycle (NOT 12th- that’s marketing that can’t add up) and Clara.

They investigate Spontaneous combustion and the plot of the Half-faced Man. All good fun. Then it’s Innerspace as they go Into the Dalek, or should that be Honey I shrunk the Kids? Or The Borrowers?

Anyhoo, Rusty the Dalek gets his space invaded and a bit or re-wiring by The Doctor. Does he become a ‘good’ Dalek though? (rhetorical question- no answers on a postcard please! (That is so 80’s))

Robot of Sherwood is a bit campy, trying to be part Time Warrior, part Maid Marian and her Merry Men (It’s pancake day!) It’s fun though.

Listen goes to the opposite extreme, being a Gamechanger, partway through the series, the tone shifts. This is a genuine ghost story, full of twists and scares. While Time Heist is a great caper.

Rounding off is the Caretaker, the Doctor undercover at Clara’s school, meeting Danny Pink and confronting an alien killer that looks like a cross between a Dalek and a spider/Shadow-creature from Babylon 5.

And that’s the overview of the first half of the season. I may have mentioned it, but I’ve got a story coming up on The Doctor Who Project website- UNITED IN WAR on 22/06/2024 TDWP is a Canadian fan site whose stories can be downloaded in pdf format. I did start a story back in 2012 for the 39th season, but that fell through. I have been reading the past few seasons and Brief Encounter stories, as I’d featured pics of the covers on last year’s vids, so gonna carry on promoting it.



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coming soon!

So, three new Brief Encounters coing soon to the Doctor Who Project, including my own United in War on 22nd June! Looking forward to it!


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25 years of TDWP!

Congratulations to the Doctor Who Project on reaching an epic milestone!


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Season 45 of the Doctor Who Project begins this weekend. Plus the website has changed, looking snazzy and new!


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