Tag Archives: Doctor who classic series

United in War (Part 1 0f 2)





Written by: Ian Cai Mercer This story features the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Susan The Doctor, Susan, Ian, and Barbara arrive at a critical moment in galactic history, the Third Intergalactic Peace Conference. Four mighty empires are in conflict over a disputed region of space. Is their host, Korlek, a friend or a foe? How does he know so much about the Doctor? And will peace be disrupted due to a troublesome mind probe?

Featuring- The First Doctor Ian, Barbara and Susan. Set in between Planet of Giants and The Dalek Invasion of Earth.

This was known for a long time as Attack of the Medusoids. It has changed a lot since then.  Originally intended to be about two thousand words, grew to over six thousand words. I’ll make a video for tomorrow, which’ll mean putting off series 9 part 1 for a week.

Anyway, good story, I’ll do an explanation of the setting/empires etc tomorrow, but for now here it is- UNITED IN WAR!

Brief Encounters page- (BE46)

News release-


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United in War- This weekend!

At last, after dropping out of the 39th season back in 2012, finally get to see a story on The Doctor Who Project’s website!

Get ready for an Attack of the Medusoids!


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SEASON 19- ANYONE FOR CRICKET? Peter Davison debuts

There is change in the making as the 5TH Doctor debuts. Davison’s boundless enthusiasm and the presence of two teenagers and an Air Hostess in her early twenties also saw a shift in focus. Add a new, more vengeful Master in to the mix and there is a Peter Pan/New Beginnings vibe.
Castrovalva seems an odd story, with the TARDIS crew running off from security guards and Adric captured by The Master, then the ladies worry that the Doctor is ill and his Regeneration could fail. Anywho, turns out it’s all a trap- SPOILERS! Four to Doomsday is the best of the bunch- Slimy toad Monarch has a plot to replace the people of Earth with his own race. Visitations is one of the best Pseudo-Historicals, while Black Orchid is a really good pure Historical. Kinda and Earthshock are great SF tales, while Time Flight is a bit of a let-down. (With one of the worst disguises for the Master ever!)
So quite a good debut for the 5th Doctor and Adric’s death is quite literally shocking, as well as the return of the Cybermen.

Next time- The 20th Anniversary Season!


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