Tag Archives: william-hartnell

United in War (Part 1 0f 2)





Written by: Ian Cai Mercer This story features the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Susan The Doctor, Susan, Ian, and Barbara arrive at a critical moment in galactic history, the Third Intergalactic Peace Conference. Four mighty empires are in conflict over a disputed region of space. Is their host, Korlek, a friend or a foe? How does he know so much about the Doctor? And will peace be disrupted due to a troublesome mind probe?

Featuring- The First Doctor Ian, Barbara and Susan. Set in between Planet of Giants and The Dalek Invasion of Earth.

This was known for a long time as Attack of the Medusoids. It has changed a lot since then.  Originally intended to be about two thousand words, grew to over six thousand words. I’ll make a video for tomorrow, which’ll mean putting off series 9 part 1 for a week.

Anyway, good story, I’ll do an explanation of the setting/empires etc tomorrow, but for now here it is- UNITED IN WAR!

Brief Encounters page- (BE46)

News release-


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Innovative Ian’s Dilemmas- how big a goal can you imagine?

Innovative Ian’s Dilemmas- how big a goal can you imagine?

Another day, another round of job search and applications. Keeping myself motivated these days’ feels like a full time occupation in itself.

Anyway, read an interesting post on Linked in as I was scrawling through job links- ‘How do you achieve big goals’, so my first thought was “with extreme difficulty”. Then I thought on what I’m doing slowly with the studio/office idea- working through ideas and possible angles/ways to achieve that. A plan might help, not just an A-Team type of improvisation, but something more substantial. I’m all for using whatever’s at hand, been doing that for years.
A few things stood out to me, so thought I’d rustle up a blogpost=

Making it feel like a cause, something that gives you drive/joy/motivation, mojo, whatever.

Next is anticipating obstacles ahead, adjust plans and be prepared to drop things. Assess risks, but seek out opportunities and weigh up the sacrifices that you might need to make. There are a few of my takeaways.

So what big goals do I have in mind? How about a great big space opera epic, since Star wars has been butchered by Disney? SF Shakespeare and Tiglet’s Time Travels? Something Paracosmic!

What I learned over twenty seven years ago on my Astronomy course is still relevant, even though our knowledge of the universe and the technology to detect things has changed massively since then. That’s a whole essay in itself for another time. United in War also ties in, so I’ve got more on that for the weekend.

Suffice to say, I can think of a few big, epic sagas, or as Taylor Swift likes to say- I can “Dream impossible things”. Hmm, maybe I might just be a bit of a Swifty after all!

Fast company article-

Linked in post-


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