Mr. Tiglet’s Poetry Corner

26 Jun

Something a little bit different this time as I have begun an illustrious career as the First Tiger Puppet Poet ever!

 Set in the idyllic location of Castle Park, Frodsham, the Midsummer Night’s Dream/ Solstice event played host to Performers, poets, writers and little old Tig!


Having a poem about how I got started on the Sprout diet by Mrs. Tiglet in her glorious conversion to Veggivore was interesting.  Even more interesting was reading it out to a crowd of Humans.  Well, Ian Cai read it as I got a little bit shy and had Goosebumps!  (shouldn’t that be Catbumps?-Ian Cai)  So I just sat in a chair and looked cute, which is easy for me anyway!  (Have you ever heard the song You’re so Vain by Carly Simon?-IC)

It went very well and was a lovely evening, even though I padded round the park in the rain, making me such a wet Furball by the end of the night!  (Same as usual then eh, Tig? hehe!-IC)

So a nice change of pace, and a new skill introduced, on a dreamy Midsummer night!!


4 responses to “Mr. Tiglet’s Poetry Corner

  1. Clare D

    June 27, 2012 at 7:54 am

    Ha! Excellent performance, Mr Tiglet! I hope you dried out quickly and didn’t catch catflu.

    • iancaimercer

      June 27, 2012 at 11:04 pm

      Thanks Clare! Better than catching Birdflu I suppose, but catching birds, Squirrels, Rabbits is out at the mo, what with this Veggie diet. What I give for a King Prawn curry and chicken and chips!!!

  2. diebooth

    June 27, 2012 at 6:44 pm

    I like the photo of you on the rope bridge! It was very nice seeing you again on Midsummer Night!

    • iancaimercer

      June 27, 2012 at 11:01 pm

      Thanks Die, both Ian C and Mr.Tig appreciate the mention!!


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